Support Eco Space Foundation Vegan Street Activism in Uganda

This is a crowdfunding campaign to help raise funding for vegan & animal activism in Uganda. chose to support Eco Space Foundation because of their shared mission to help animals, track record of success with an active Instagram account, and need to bring funding to areas of the world that need it the most.

Please take a moment to contribute to this crowdfunding campaign to help spread the animal advocacy message.

Eco Space Foundation: Our mission is to inspire 20 million Ugandans to embrace veganism by 2040 through education, advocacy, activism and policy change.

Our activists continuously hold vegan street outreaches on busy streets like markets, taxi parks, malls, universities and along main roads aimed at educating the public about veganism and need to respect animal rights.

This is done through leafleting, holding placards with vegan message and engaging in conversations to create awareness.

The main purpose of this fundraiser is to raise $2,000 to support Street vegan activism program.

Goal #1

Our immediate goal is $600 which will be used to design and secure bigger placards, flyers, volunteer t-shirts and activism banners with vegan messages.

Goal #2

Our first stretch goal is to reach $1,200 in total funding to purchase an outreach tent, foldable table, speaker and extra flyers to carry on activism, kickstart the animal rights petition and collect signatures

Goal #3

Our long-term goal is to reach $2,000 in total funding to purchase four 32-inch TVs, headphones and a laptop for effective visual street activism. This will combine leafleting, dialogues, collecting signatures for the animal rights petition and street vegan movie screening for impactful activism

Kindly support us to end animal suffering in Uganda, every dollar contributed can make a difference, thank you.